Wednesday, May 11, 2011

stroke risk?

having sex is actully an everyday activity that can spike your blood pressure really fast. Also drinking coffee could also f you up. it raises blood pressure too. strenous workouts can do the same thing, not as long asyou drink water and take well needed rest breaks in between workouts.

Navy says SIKE NAWH to the gay marriages on military bases

with the "dont ask dont tell policy" almost or soon to be coming to an end marrages of bases might be allowed and the navy isnt haveing it

US AirWays suckk

for the last two consumer reports in a row U.S AirWays has been ranked at the bottom of the chart! The airline that got ranked number one was SouthWest airlines

Air Force

im joining the military after I graduate and I wasjust sworn in monday so im officially enlisted. WHen I graduate I'll have my bvasic training date and I'll be on my way

3 sucides in one week

It was last week all the same week there was random sucides, police reports dont know if they had anything to do with each other but it was weird.

ex California governor splits up with his wife

recent reports have been suggested she was caught cheating with another man, neither side has confirmed the story but there was said to be pictures of her and the mysterious guy, she's a lier and a cheat, smh women.